When and How to Elect Social Security Retirement
For many years, our clients have been asking me to help them with their Social Security retirement options, because they knew that I had knowledge and experience working with Social Security. 

To accommodate the needs of our clients, I have now added this sophisticated area of expertise to our menu of services.  We can now help retirees and pre-retirees understand when and how to elect Social Security retirement benefits. 

Our office uses a highly sophisticated proprietary software program that will actually show our clients the best strategy they can use in order to receive the highest benefit payout over their lifetime.

This information is assembled in a professional format that we call a Personalized Social Security Maximization Report.  The Report is easy to understand and we review it with you.  

Beyond that, our office staff can also generate Reports to show our clients how they should arrange and segregate their financial assets in order to help ensure they will not outlive their money. 
Knowing when and how to elect your benefits can easily increase your cumulative payout by many thousands of dollars. 

Our knowledge in this specific area will not only help retirees, but it will also favorably impact their spouses and their depedents who have disabilities, because their benefits are based upon the record of the higher earner. 

Our Report provides clients with answers to the following: 

  • Should I file now or later
  • What is my breakeven point
  • What are the options for my spouse
  • What is the impact of continuing to work
  • Should I file and then suspend payments
  • How can I reduce taxes on my social security
  • What if I claim early and then change my mind
  • What strategies can I use to maximize my payout
  • Should I file for Social Security Disability income first
  • Should I claim under my spouse's earnings record or my own
  • What if I worked for a non-profit, religious, or governmental agency 
It is important to know that President Obama's 2015 Budget Proposal contains language, (on pg. 150 of the 214 page proposal), that could pontentially jeopardize claiming options for married Americans nearing retirement age by eliminating their ability to alternatively claim under their spouse's earnings record.  The one short sentence contained in the proposal contradicts the Senior Citizen's Freedom to Work Act of 2000, (P.L. 106-182), that was signed into law by President William Clinton.     

The link below will provide you with a short yet informative video about Social Security retirement. The link will also answer questions if you own an annuity - perhaps you bought it from some financial agent who hosted a sales dinner at a local restaurant?    